Team Texas is a local mission group made up of adults and students who want to be the hands and feet of Christ through service to others. We are made up of people from many different backgrounds, churches, professions, and ages. We are united in the calling to show Christ’s love to others through service projects and fellowship while encouraging personal spiritual growth with the Lord in each member. We believe it is not only important for the adults in our group to serve others but that it is imperative for us to provide opportunities for the next generation to learn to serve others in Christ as well as remove themselves from the daily pressures of life in order to focus on spiritual growth. 

We have been extremely blessed to be able to team with the Make it Happen group in order to further grow in the calling that Christ has for us. Pairing with Make it Happen has opened doors to new service opportunities, allowed us to form friendships with other brothers and sisters in Christ, and inspired us to expand our reach. We have been excited to get to work alongside them and see their passion for serving others. Team Texas has connected with the hearts of Make it Happen and are excited to continue to partner with them in the future in order to make a difference!